Crone Activities

Below are the many activities Crone has available for senior women, widows, and retirees.

The full organization puts on eleven community events each year, in addition to special offerings. For this year’s events, go to Monthly Meetings in the Menu Bar.

The heart of our community lies in our many small groups, the place to get to know one another, and share interests and helpful tips. Crones enjoy walking, day trips, discussing movies or books, getting together for happy hours or just conversation. The arrangements for each group are decided by its members. Some groups meet once a month, others twice. Some meet in members’ homes, some in coffeehouses or other locations. For a list of current groups, click here: All About Groups

“Moreah’s photo of roses at the P-Patch”

The Crone Connection is published quarterly with information on upcoming events, writings by Crones, topical information about members, and a message from the Board.
Here is a link to the latest issue. | Archive

This Crone chorus rehearses once a week at the Edmonds Waterfront Center and performs at various retirement homes and other venues nine months of the year. For more information about the Rolling Crones Singers, please click here: Rolling Crones Singers

Our nonprofit organization supports a $1500 annual scholarship for a woman student at least 40 years of age or more who attends North Seattle College. For more information about this fund-raising project, please click here: Scholarship Fund

Crones also write about their experiences – reflections on time, or trips, To see a selection of their writings from past Crone publications, please click here: Crone Writings

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